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EC1 > City Of London Tavern
City Of London Tavern

Date of photo: 2011 |
Picture source: Keith Wesley |
The City Of London Tavern was situated at 338
City Road. This pub closed in the 1950s and although converted to an office
all the architectural features of the original building are still intact. My
Godmother, Gladys Wesley Abell was the licensee up to 1949. She then went to
Exmouth, Devon and took over the
London Hotel. |
Source: Keith Wesley |
My mum was living here at the time of my grandfathers death in January 1958.
She was 14 at the time and tells the story of how my Nan, Gertrude Murphy
couldn't face going back to the pub after Thomas died and so literally
locked the pub up and walked away, leaving behind a lot of personal
possessions. |
Debbie Smith (September 2012) |
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