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Home > Wiltshire > Nettleton > Codrington Arms

Codrington Arms

Picture source: Jeff Porter

The Codrington Arms was later re-named the Nettleton Arms.  This was a very busy popular pub up to the mid 1980s having a wide range of real ales and a CAMRA listing attracting visitors from a wide area.  After its then owners had financial difficulties it was closed for a long period and after that it never really recovered, in spite of valiant efforts by at least two separate landlords and closed in the early 1990s.  Without some research I cannot remember the exact date.  The buildings were sold off as two separate residential properties.  The main part is now called Codrington House. Through the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the Codrington/Nettleton Arms was affected by the decline in pub usage (drinking & driving effect too) combined with being more difficult to find than the pubs in the nearby villages which inevitably “intercepted” the casual visitor.  Many of the pubs in the surrounding area survive but some have closed in the past 20 years.
Will Handley

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