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Home > Somerset > Nether Stowey > Rose & Crown

Rose & Crown

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Rose & Crown was situated at 5 St Mary Street. A grade-II listed pub.

Listed building details:
Inn. C15 core, C19 exterior features. Colourwashed render, slate roof with eaves, single brick stack to left of frontage rising from the eaves. U-plan, rear wings reached by a central carriageway, Two storeys, 6 bays, sash windows, some set flush to wall; those to second bay from left on first floor paired, triple sash window with glazing bars to left of ground floor set in a single storey pent-roofed projection; the roof continues over the central carriage entrance, front facing gable set above, paired plank doors; door opening to right, paired half-glazed doors. Projecting painted sign-board on a wrought-iron bracket at right angles to centre of frontage. Venetian window to rear. Interior
with a broad fireplace, wooden bressumer; moulded ceiling beam to left of ground floor; roof appears to be of cruck construction over right half of front block.

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Date of photo: 1908

Picture source: Hania Franek