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Home > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Walton Ale Stores

Walton Ale Stores

Picture source: MJ Crook

The Walton Ale Stores was situated at 85 Walton Street. This pub was present by 1876 when the publican was George Parr. It had now been demolished and replaced with a commercial building.

I cannot disagree more sincerely with the blogger J D Davies who wrote recently: "Let’s be honest, though - many pubs were foul, and their passing is simply good riddance. Few can mourn the long-gone Walton Ale Stores in Oxford, where the furniture consisted solely of a few rickety kitchen stools strewn around a tacky floor,"

Yes, many unlamented pubs were unpleasant, unwelcoming and typified by the state of their lavatories but the Walton Ale Stores on Walton Street in Jericho district of Oxford was not one of these. Situated opposite the Victoria Arms (the "Vicky Arms") ,it was oft referred to as "The Three Merry Eunuchs", after it's sign depicting a trio of large and relaxed monks, or as "Simon's Place", after renowned landlord Simon Garner (who subsequently ran another proper pub in Wolvercote).

I can still summon up the sensation of an early morning pint of good cider there; the negotiation of the discount purchase of Weights cigarettes (filter tipped no less); the SAS-like approach up the Oxford canal towpath from school in Summertown; the toasted sandwiches with brown sauce; the strong tobacco and the late Saturday night political pontificating. Bliss.

Simon's place was downmarket but raffish. A place where postman and their wives, solitary academics, earnest underage public schoolboys; craftsmen and punters; drinkers and lurkers; lonely ladies; and the totality of old Jericho could mix and become rosy and comfy for a few hours, sometimes a little longer than the law allowed, if Simon was in the mood. A place where newspapers and magazines (oh, troublesome Private Eye) were read and discussed and Simon kept an avuncular eye on the youngsters.

It may have been a little unprepossessing but it had a heart of gold, did the "Merry Eunuchs".

Nick Brown

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Name Dates Comments
Henrik Lang 1969 Customer
Becca Chaplin 1980/1984 Daughter of Fred & Lisa, who met there when Fred was a regular barman for Pat Howard. Most of my childhood memories centred around this pub; helping out on the bottle return hatch, learning to pull my first pint, how to play darts and a shut in with the regulars during the snow storms of 1981
Other Photos
Publican Simon Garner, 1969

Picture source: Henrik Lang

Date of photo: 1969

Picture source: Henrik Lang

Site of The Walton Ale Stores, 2012

Picture source: Movement80