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Home > Lincolnshire > Corby Glen > Angel Inn

Angel Inn


The Angel Inn was situated at 7 Market Place. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.

Listed building details:
Former public house, now house. C16, C17 with late C18 and C19 alterations. Coursed limestone rubble with ashlar quoins and dressings, raised stone coped gables with pantile roofs, 2 gable stacks, left hand one in ashlar with cornice, right hand one rebuilt in brick, massive axial stack to rear with stone base and brick shaft. T-plan. 2 storey, 3 bay front with central C20 door with flush panelled reveals, flanked by single plain sashes. To first floor 2 simiar windows. All openings have stone surrounds and flat lintels. In the rear range, which has a steeper pitched roof, is a 4 light ovolo moulded mullioned window and a single light with moulded stone surround. Interior retains mid C18 panelled corner cupboard with fluted pilasters and cornice. Small moulded stone fireplace surround. Chamfered beam with ogee stops in front range and deeply chamfered beam with ogee stop in rear range.

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