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Home > Lancashire > Samlesbury > Samuel Whitbread

Samuel Whitbread

Picture source: Peter Ashworth

The Samuel Whitbread was situated on Cuerdale Lane. Previously a manor house, New Southworth Hall it was used as a restaurant called Campions upon closure as a public house. A grade-II listed 16th century building.

Listed building details:
Formerly New Hall. House, C16 and C17, said to have been park lodge to Samlesbury Hall (q.v.) now restaurant. Sandstone and brick (part rendered and whitewashed) slate roof with one ridge chimney stack. L-shaped plan, 2 bays with baffle entry, plus a forward crosswing at the left end. Two storeys; walls of red and yellow rubble and watershot coursing, with large quoins; doorway at centre of main range has exceptionally large rectangular lintel, and jambs of originally wider opening; a similar lintel over window left of door; 2 boxed sash windows with glazing bars on each floor, and a small casement above the door. Three altered windows in re-entrant of wing. Left side wall has stone extensions of unequal sizes and different dates, with monopitched roofs. Rear wall of brick, various modern extensions. Interior: internal timber framing of crosswing (posts, chamfered beams, exposed wattle and daub) and its king post roof with raking struts, indicate an early date for this part; main range contains very large bressummer of former inglenook, supported at one end on stone post with cyma-moulded corbel; ovolo-moulded beams on both floors; crudely panelled staircase. History: plaster overmantel with arms of Thomas Southworth, dated 1588, was removed from crosswing 1923; Fr. Edmund Campion S.J. said to have been harboured here in 1580. (R. Eaton History of Samlesbury)

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Name Dates Comments
Christine Astley (nee Shaw) 1973-1982 I started working here when I was nearly 16 as a part time waitress. I left school and went to work there full time.
Neil Holding 1974-1982 Worked here straight from college, five years in the kitchen and three front of house, Mr Stanley & June Pawlowski the management, people I knew here include: Christine shaw, carol booth, Paul Gordine, graham Flanagan, Adam Harrow, Ian sargeson, Nicholas, Tom, the smiths, the billing tons, amongst many others, good times, shame to see the place in such a shame. Mr Pawlowski now lives in Clayton-le-woods, sadly June died in 2015.
Ian Sargeson 1976-1978 Went to work here straight from school as trainee chef attending day release college at 16. Great place to work and good times had by all that worked there, the place must have been one of the top places to dine in those years, always busy and menu change every six weeks. Few names to add to neil’s list christine and Barbara Smith, Catherine Smith, Maureen Hogarth Kim Wilkie and Helen? John summersgill,
Paul Cunliffe 1970s/1980s I was a customer of theirs having followed Stanley & June Pawlowski from the Yew Tree at Anglezarke. I recall that both venues offered sauteed potatoes on the menu and they were by far the best I have ever had - and so say a lot of other people I know. Do any of the former staff know the recipe / technique as, try as I might, I cannot re-create their heavenly dish.
Aissa Chemlal 1987/1994 Myself and my wife , Elaine were the management couple at this beautiful restaurant
Paul Gordine 1973/1977 I was one of the original three Chefs. along with John Summersgill and Graham Flanagan.