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Home > Lancashire > Lancaster > Duke Of Lancaster

Duke Of Lancaster

Date of photo: 2014

Photo © Jo Turner

The Duke Of Lancaster was situated at 75 Church Street. Probably by Austin and Paley this pub, previously the Black Bull Hotel built around 1900 is Grade II Listed. In 2014 the local council stopped refurbishment as they discovered that they were converting part of it into flats without planning permission. For a short while around 2016-17 it was the Excalibur Medieval Restaurant but was then re-opened late 2017 as 75 Church Street offering a selection of craft ales from around the world and a gourmet burger menu. In April 2019 it was reportedly closed due to a “dispute over electricity bill” and didn’t seem to reopen until later in the year as 'The Dandy Lion Cabaret Bar' that seems to have lasted little more than a week. The only directory for Lancaster I have includes 1912 John Faulkner Barber at the Black Bull.
Source: Steve Turner

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