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Home > Hampshire > Fyfield > Highland Wedding

Highland Wedding

 © Copyright Chris Talbot and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

The Highland Wedding was probably named after a racehorse as the pub sign showed a racehorse. Now used as a private house.
Source: Simon Crook
The pub was originally called the Fyfield Arms, and was renamed Highland Wedding after local trainer Toby Balding, won the Grand National with a horse of the same name.
John Whitney
I have fond memories of The Highland Wedding pub as I lived in Fyfield from the of summer of 1996 up until the end of 1999.  Not that I was a frequent user but on the half dozen or so visits I made the place seemed to have a strange (dare I say otherworldly) ambience. At the time it felt as though it probably hadn't changed much for decades. Can't recall much about the interior decor but it was quite dark inside and completely empty ( it was mid afternoon).My wife and I and my brother in law were served drinks by an elderly lady named Meg. She was eccentric and a little curt but did chat to us for a few minutes.
She related the tale of the pub name change and told us how the pub at one time used to be full of locals and visitors alike and how the whole village of Fyfield celebrated when Toby Balding's horse won The Grand National in 1969 .. I think? Meg cut a rather sad figure actually. I remember thinking at the time that she seemed sort of lost in the world (like many people do as age progresses.) A curious woman for sure but equally amiable. I liked her.
Tony (December 2018)

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