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Home > Gloucestershire > Pucklechurch > White Hart

White Hart

Picture source: Hania Franek

The White Hart was situated at 1 Abson Road. This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.  It is now in residential use and is known as White Hart House.

Listed building details:
House. Late C18/early C19, possibly refronting of earlier building. Coursed rubble on rendered plinth, hipped pantiled roof. 3 storeys and 4 windows, all 16-pane sashes with cills, cambered heads and wedge-shaped stone lintels, 2nd floor has three 2-light casements with 6 panes each, 2nd from right blocked and painted in, similar heads, central panelled and glass door with flat stone hood on shaped brackets, central shaped panel at 2nd floor, possibly formerly for date, carved painted head attached to wall at 2nd floor right. Interior: not inspected.

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Picture source: Hania Franek

Picture source: Hania Franek