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Home > Essex >
Maldon > The Ship
The Ship
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Picture source: Hania Franek |
The Ship was situated at 37 Market Hill and is now in residential use.
This grade-II listed
pub was present by 1780 when the publican was James Quilter. |
building details: |
Formerly known as: The Ship Public
House Market Hill. Public house, now flats. C18. Painted-brick English bond
with gambrel M-roof of plain tiles and 4 stacks, one on each parapeted
Exterior: 2 storeys with attic and cellar; 5-window range. Three C20
dormers, 2 with 4-light casements and one with two 2-light casements and
boarding between. Moulded brick eaves. 1st floor with 4 sash windows, each
with moulded surround and a vertical glazing bar, and a central, similar,
window, with semicircular head. Ground floor has C19 public-house front with
full-width hood/fascia on 4 pilasters with consoles at ends. Central door
with blocked rectangular fanlight and 2 big plain tripartite sash windows.
The rear has 2 gabled dormers, each with a 2-light casement. Rear wall is
rendered but brickwork exposed on flank; 2-storey black weatherboarded
extension with slate lean-to roof. 1st floor of rear has two 16-pane sash
windows on 1st floor (one altered). Ground floor has one similar window and
one with a single vertical glazing bar. Single-storey C19 and C20 rear
Interior: dogleg staircase with column-on-vase balusters and column newel.
Large cellar with well-made timber floor over. |
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Picture source: Darkstar |