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Home > Co. Durham > Durham > Travellers Rest

Travellers Rest

Date of photo: 2023

Picture source: Simon A

The Travellers Rest was situated at 73 Claypath. This grade-II listed pub is now partly in use as a restaurant.

Source: Roy Lambeth


Listed building details:
House and public house, now public house. 2 builds, that at right incorporating earlier building. Render; upper floor of right build has pebble-dash render in broadly-spaced timber frame. Welsh slate roofs with brick chimneys. 2 storeys, 2 bays each build. House at left has yard entry and 6-panelled door at left flanked by pilasters under cornice; late C19 sashes in right bay, and narrow sash over paired openings, have projecting stone sills; steeply-pitched roof has end chimneys. No. 73 at right has lower storeys. Half-glazed double door at left and blind door at right framed on slender pilasters which support fascia end cornice. Oriel and C19 sash above.

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