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Home > Derbyshire > Ilkeston > Gladstone Inn

Gladstone Inn

Date of photo: 1964

Picture source: picturethepast.org.uk

The Gladstone Inn was situated on East Street. This pub has now been demolished.

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Name Dates Comments
Richard Atkin 1955-1960 I remember my grandmother working here in the late 1950s. A lady named Beatty kept it, she was a widow. Grandmothers name was Bertha Hancock.
Brain Beale   I was born in this pub in 1940. My grandparents Joe and Clara Jackson were landlord and landlady at the time and with my dad in the navy, my mother went there to be with her mother during her confinement. In 1942/43 my grandparents moved to the Borough Arms. I took my grandmother to the Gladstone on the night it closed. A sad night in many ways.
Other Photos
Fred & Beattie Saxelby, publicans, 1962

Picture source: Elaine Clayton

Site of The Gladstone Inn, 2023

Picture source: Anthony Beaumont