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Home > Derbyshire > Borrowash > The Foresters

The Foresters

The Foresters, Borrowash

Date of photo: 1960

Picture source: picturethepast.org.uk

The Foresters was situated on Victoria Avenue. This pub was demolished in the mid-late 1960's after a lorry ran out of control and into the side of the building (see photos below). A Safeway's car park now stands on the site.
 My grandfather, Bernard Wright was the blacksmith and wheelwright in the village and lived in the house the gable of which is visible behind the pub. Sadly I doubt he ever frequented the Foresters as he was a devout Methodist lay preacher and signed the pledge, but I suspect my father may well have snuck in for an underage half pint or two in the 1940's. I visited my grandparents in the old house until the mid 1960s when my grandfather died and remember the pub being demolished at the same time as our families house.
Tim Wright (January 2017)

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Picture source: Karen McArthur

Picture source: Karen McArthur