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Home > Cumberland > Cockermouth > Crown Inn

Crown Inn



The Crown Inn was situated at 75 Main Street. Part of a row, 73 to 85 (odd) and 85A, of Grade II Listed late 18th century cottages. 73 is Julie's Sandwich Place. No.75 was previously the Crown Inn. By 1982 no.73 is Norham Coffee House that is extended 1987-8. In 1990 planning granted change of use for the 'front ground floor' to become a sandwich shop that seems to have subsequently changed hands four times. It has probably been Julie's since at least 2006. Norham's continues to trade in the rear. I had a search of my directories for the Crown Inn and found; 1828 The only inn on Main Street is the Globe. 11 pubs are listed in Main Street but not the Crown or Horse and Harness; in 1847 there is a Horse and Harness at 74 Main Street (I can't find 75). In 1858 it is just 'Horse and Harness Main Street'. It is possible the numbering has changed and this is the former Crown. 1873 Mrs Sarah Graham (Horse & Harness is now at no.10); 1883-1910 William Elliot Watson; 1914 Mrs Sarah E Watson.
Source: Steve Turner

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