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Home > Cambridgeshire > Wisbech > The Bell

The Bell

Date of photo: 2015

© Copyright Richard Humphrey and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence


The Bell was situated at 16 Nene Quay.  This was a grade-II listed pub.

Source: Mick Gilbert


Listed building details:
Late C18 inn. Painted, local brown brick. Three storeys, double pile, symmetrical facade of three bays. Side stacks. Shallow, stone coped parapet. Brick bands between floors. Three second floor casement windows, three large sixteen-paned hung sash windows recessed in cambered brick arches with stone cills, and two similar windows flanking main entrance at ground floor; modern door in recessed flat arch with rectangular fan-light. Wing to north, two storeys with parapet, two small first floor windows and two entrances.

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