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Home > Yorkshire > Yearby > Turners Arms

Turners Arms

Date of photo: 2012

Picture source: Simon A

The Turners Arms was situated on Fishponds Road.  This grade-II listed pub is now in residential use.

Listed building details:
Inn, now a farmhouse (1761). Slightly later parapets, porch and rear extension. Brick, in Flemish bond, with stone dressings; parapets in English garden wall bond. Asbestos sheet roof, c.1942, on centre; clay pantiles on towers; concrete tiles on extension. "H"-plan. 2 storeys and basement, 3-bay centre. 3 storeys and basement,slightly-projecting
single-bay end towers. Projecting porch adjoins right bay of centre, with 6-panel door and blocked overlight in right return. Windows in other faces. Renewed sash windows with glazing bars, keystones, and gauged brick flat arches; sill bands on ground and first floors. Embattled parapets. Hipped roofs on towers. Single-bay right return. 2-bay left return has basement light at right, blocked central doorway and blocked 2nd-floor windows, painted to imitate sashes. Sash windows with glazing bars, renewed except that at left on first floor. Late C20 metal flue between bays. Iron tie plates between first and second floors. Rear shows scattered fenestration and lateral stacks, the middle one renewed. Single-storey monopitch rear extension adjoins north tower. Short screen wall adjoining north-east angle, runs east for c.7m and has boarded door, in blind round-headed carriage opening with keystone under plain pediment, at east end. Mid C20 lean-to rear porch is not of special interest.

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