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Home > Yorkshire > Topcliffe > Golden Lion

Golden Lion

Date of photo: 2024

Picture source: Simon A

The Golden Lion was situated on Front Street. This grade-II listed pub is now a private residence. 

Listed building details:
House, formerly a public house. Early C18 with later alterations. Rendered, C20 pantile roof. 2 storey, 3 bays, lobby entrance plan. 6-panel C20 door to left of right-hand bay which has 12-pane side-sliding sashes. 2 left-hand bays have canted bays to ground floor with 3-light side-sliding sashes with glazing bars to front, fixed small-pane windows to sides. To first floor 3-light C20 casements. Eaves band. Rendered coping to left gable. End stack to left, one to ridge.

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