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Home > Yorkshire > South Newbald > Fox Inn

Fox Inn



The Fox Inn closed in 1918 following referral to the Compensation Authority.
Sarah J Norton`s father was the  innkeeper of the Telegraph Inn at Partington, and tailor employing 2 apprentices in 1861.  His name was Robert Norton who married a Sarah Pickering from Paull on the 13th December 1837 in Patrington.  Robert died in 1879 and his wife died in 1873 so Sarah J must have taken over in 1879.  She was born in 1856.
Do you know of any pictures of this inn around these dates?  We have been researching our family history and Robert Norton was my great X 4 grandfather.
Strangely enough the other great grandfather x 4 on the other side of the family was also an innkeeper and tailor but this time North Newbald around the same time as Robert Norton and we are presuming the Tiger Inn, Ratten Row, North Newbald which still exists.  In later life at the age 75 in 1891 he was the innkeeper (and tailor) of a pub called The Fox Inn, South Newbald.  His name was John Farmery, born 1816. 
The connection is that Robert Norton`s (Telegraph Inn) son Samuel (who was also Sarah J Norton`s brother) married the daughter, Mary, of John Farmery (Tiger Inn/The Fox Inn - Newbald, East Yorkshire).  We noticed that these both were licensed victuallers and tailors?  Obviously these two must have been acquaintances or friends for their children to meet and marry?  Would you know if there might be any records of memberships of associations of the licensed victuallers during these dates?
Mike Kelly

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