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Home > Yorkshire > Sheffield > S6 > Royal Hotel

Royal Hotel


The Royal Hotel was a Tennants house situated at 2 Bradfield Road, closing in the 1980s to be demolished and make way for a road widening scheme
My Mother, Shirley, was the last landlady before it was demolished from approximately  January 1987. The pub was on the weekend Penistone Road pub crawl until the bus stop was moved from outside Owlerton Stadium to outside the Crown , which was further up the road and is still there today.
The pub was a thriving weekend haunt and Monday to Friday was a typical working class pub with dart and domino teams.
Match days saw it packed with both home and away fans every week, to the extent of running out of glasses and the weekly pie and peas.
Sadly missed but not forgotten , by many, it was demolished  after 6 months of standing empty.It exact location is the car park of the Kentucky  
Jane Darby (Landladys daughter)

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