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Home > Yorkshire > Sheffield > S3 > Star & Garter

Star & Garter



The Star & Garter was situated at 82-84 Winter Street. This pub closed in 2016. In February 2017 approval was granted for a 16-storey development on this site, obliquely opposite the University of Sheffield’s Arts Tower. As a result “Locate Developments” now has permission to demolish the Star and Garter pub and a neighbouring restaurant to make way for this new block. It is proposed that it will provide residential accommodation for approximately 250 students, plus a library, gym, common room, cinema, meeting rooms and five parking spaces, two being for disabled drivers.
Source: David
Back in the mid 70's, there was sometimes a need to ring the landlord of the S&G to ask him to tell one or another of a number of Lecturers from one of the departments in the University Arts Tower that students were asking where they were, i.e. late for afternoon Tutorials...
I suspect it wasn't the only Departmental Office that had to do this, but we had the advantage of our Office overlooking the pub so we could see who'd gone there at lunchtime!
Names withheld to avoid embarrassment.
Kathy Ludlow (March 2024)

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