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Home > Yorkshire > Scarborough > Dog & Duck

Dog & Duck



The Dog & Duck was situated at 45 Quay Street. This grade-II listed building was one of the oldest pubs in Scarborough
Source: Barry Watson
My great grandfather John Thomas Foster was born here in 1873. His mother, Ann, died in childbirth and he was raised by his grandfather Henry Foster but was unofficially adopted by his cousin Giles Sollitt.
Vivienne Walsh (May 2022)

Listed building details:
The north end of this building facing Quay Street and on corner site in C15/C16. Two storeys timber-framed with herringbone brick nogging, plastered over on north front ground floor. Modern tile roof. Irregular design, oversailing 1st floor on west front with moulded bressumer and corner bracket, one leaded iron casement 1st floor and early C19 canted bay on projecting sill to centre of ground floor west front with modern door left hand. Two small casements to ground floor north front. Remainder of block has been modernised.

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