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Home > Yorkshire > Leeds > LS14 > Lion & Lamb

Lion & Lamb



The Lion & Lamb was situated on York Road, Seacroft. This pub has now been demolished and replaced by an Aldi store.
The locals used to call it The Slaughtered Lamb after a junkie was found dead in the disabled toilets after he went in there a week earlier, yes, a whole week, shot up his heroin and promptly overdosed in the toilet and died. No one remembered him going in there, largely due to the fact that most of the regulars were alcoholics and also as it was an ‘ask no questions’ type of pub.
 There was a Scouser woman who arrived some years back and set about ‘cleaning the scum out’ of the pub and was seen to be doing so good a job that there was a movie/film planned about the pub and her amazing ‘turnaround’ into the lovely family pub she claimed it had become under her tutelage. All lies unfortunately and she herself was ousted after being found in possession of a number of elderly patrons pension books and bank cards that she was allegedly stealing from.
 The pub was a blight on the local area and is not missed by any of the decent people around here and most of those who do miss it are either dead or dying of cirrhosis by now!
Lainie C (June 2011)

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