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Home > Yorkshire > Doncaster > The Camelot

The Camelot

Date of photo: 2021

 © Steve Turner

The Camelot was situated at 35-46 Wood Street. The foundation stone of this Trinity Presbyterian chapel was laid in April 1891. The building on the west end with gable end to Wood Street is not shown on the 1901 OS map but appears on the 1928 map as part of the church. It was converted to Camelots pub in 1982. Diamond Live Lounge opened in June 2014 after a refurbishment of the building that had been empty for almost two years. Diamond Live Lounge Ltd apparently folded in 2018 and was replaced by Diamond Doncaster Ltd in January 2019 that was then dissolved in January 2020, not reopening after the coronavirus lockdown. Other names of venues that seem to crop up at this address are Eden, Trilogy, Trinity (2011) and Reload (2012). A new licence for the building had been applied for in 2021 but as at August had not been granted due to a backlog in applications.

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Date of photo: 2021

 © Steve Turner