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Home > Yorkshire > Bradford > BD3 > Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree

Picture source: John Yeadon

The Lemon Tree was situated at 854 Leeds Road. This pub was later used as a bar called The Albion Sports Bar, which has also now closed and been replaced by The Double Apple Cafe.
In the 80s The Lemon Tree waz an amazing multicultural pub. Run by sikhs with beer loving sikh customers many of them bus drivers. Murals of impossibly big breasted dusky maidens in flowing robes ploughing with buffalos on the walls. Lots of white drinkers like me who enjoy the slightly mad armosphere. The old sikh next to you speaking in punjabi is apparently a freedom fighter who blew up British troop trains in the run up to Indian independence. And through the back door (so the nosy Iman in the mosque across the road cant see them) come the Muslim lads desperate for a pint of ale and the free banter. Sikhs are the Irish of India, serious good fun and help those from more repressive cultures enjoy life.
Bob Cannell (February 2019)

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Date of photo: 1970s

Picture source: Stewart