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Home > Yorkshire > Boston Spa > Admiral Hawke

Admiral Hawke

Picture source: Jean-Bernard Nizan

The Admiral Hawke was situated at 252 High Street. This pub was grade-II listed.
Now reopened.
Jim Davies (March 2022)
Closed again.
Admin (October 2023)

Listed building details:
Public house. Early C19, altered. Coursed, squared magnesian limestone, graduated slate roof. 2 storeys, 2 bays. Door and overlight to right of centre has ashlar doorcase with pilasters, plain frieze and cornice. To each side are canted 1-storey bay windows having projecting stone sills and stone mullions dividing sashes of 2, 4 and 2 panes under plain frieze, cornice and blocking course. 1st floor: 4-pane sashes in flush wooden architraves, that on left has flat arch, that on right with plain lintel; blind window recess over door. Stone end stack on left (shared with Scoreby House q.v.); pebble-dashed end stack on right. Additions to rear not of special interest.

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