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Home > Worcestershire > Halesowen > Samson & Lion

Samson & Lion

Date of photo: 1963

Picture source: Colin Taylor-Pemberton

The Samson & Lion was situated on Stourbridge Road and has now been demolished.
Source: Ian Vanes
The house was built in the 1930's and replaced the original Samson and Lion which can just be seen at bottom right, a double fronted ale house. It was a lovely building with unusually a ladies smoking room, public bar and for a penny a pint more you could sit in the lounge. In those days of course it was all wet sales. Behind there was a beer garden and a proper bowling green. The first landlord, one Charlie Head kept pigs in his garden and it was well known that he fed them on his beer slops! I'm talking about the wartime years, when landlords were permanent fittings. I think Charlie was there until he died, probably in the late forties or even early fifties.
The brewery in those days was Fredk. Smiths, but the pub was taken over to the dismay of customers by Butlers not long before this picture was taken. I think later it became a Bass house.
I had many happy hours there, playing in the gardens whilst mum and dad were inside, often being sent to the off sales for a bottle to be filled, with the cork sealed down of course. In later years of course I became quite a seasoned drinker there.
Colin Taylor-Pemberton (August 2013)

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Name Dates Comments
Colin Taylor-Pemberton 1954-1968