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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B7 > Midland Tavern

Midland Tavern

 Picture source: Kevin Taylor

The Midland Tavern was situated on Erskine Street. This pub was being used as a canabis factory when the interior was destroyed by fire in 2009. 
 I lived at The Midland Tavern, Erskine Street, it was 1973. I was only 13. It was a dump then no looks like it needs knocking down now! I think in the 70's there were blackouts from the 3 day week, we had candles on the bar tables in an effort to keep open. Then a strike by Ansell's meant that my dad as a tenant, couldn't get any beer. Pub Managers were being paid, but tenant owners had to make their own income. It nearly broke us. When my dad bought the place, run down as it was, he had a vision that factories would be built on the derelict land opposite and that would be where all our business would come from at lunchtimes. We waited and waited but nothing was built there. We sold up eventually. Now look at it, it's all factories and businesses. I think my dad was ahead of his time with his ideas. My parents are long gone now. I remember seeing a newspaper cutting about the pub being haunted. It was long after my dad died and part of me hoped it was his ghost turning the lights on and off!
Patty Harris (January 2017)

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