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Home > Warwickshire > Birmingham > B6 > Salutation Inn

Salutation Inn

The Salutation Inn was situated on Alma Street.
My father (b. 1938) passed away in 2013 and wrote a memoir of his formative years in Birmingham. He wrote this about working at the Salutation (he doesn’t give a year I’m sorry to say):
"Mom was the pianist, saying a ‘piano-forte teacher’ taught her to play, not quite sure what the difference was with just a piano teacher, but it sounded very grand. She played from memory and like all piano players was in much demand on weekends playing at the Salutation Inn. Half pints of ale would be replenished at regular intervals after a requested song was played and sentimentally sung in the best rendition of Caruso or whoever was in vogue at the time.
The landlord of the ‘Sally’ or should I say The Salutation and his wife kept a good house. It was the local social hub for entertainment in the street, although there were three pubs in the street this was our local. Darts, dominos and cribbage were taken very seriously. Of even greater import was the quality of the beer, those days it was brewed in large wooden barrels at the brewery, and was finishing off in the wood on delivery to the pub, the quality of the beer was a matter of concern to the ‘gaffer’ and vital to the patrons, one word from them of bad beer and the establishment would suffer for a long time until the beer was rumoured to have improved.”
Martin Walker (September 2017)

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