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Surrey >
Kingston Upon Thames > The Griffin
The Griffin

Picture source: Hania
Franek |
The Griffin was situated at 1 Market
Place. This grade-II listed former
coaching inn
closed in the 1990s and has now been converted to a shopping centre. |
Source: T C |
building details: |
Former Griffin Hotel, now shops and
bars, and including the first-floor former Assembly Room. Early- mid C19,
incorporating some earlier brickwork and with a range probably of the 1860s
to rear. Stuccoed brick to front, with painted quoins, cornice and bands,
stock brick to rear with red-brick dressings; slate roofs and brick stacks.
Three storeys. Long front continuing round from the High Street towards the
Market Place, thought originally to have been two buildings. Tripartite
composition of three bays, then three-light bow front over late C20 entrance
with two bays to right over former carriage entrance now infilled by late
C20 shopfront. Upper floors have four-light sashes set in painted
architraves, eared on the first floor and with keystones. New central
entrance leads to rear shops, with on first floor former assembly room
denoted by round-arched windows and glazing bars with a single transom.
Assembly room to rear stylistically of the 1860s, with elaborate plaster
decoration. Lozenge-shaped room with arcade on inner wall matching
fenestration opposite, with pilasters and round arches bearing plaster
heads. The ceiling is a largely tripartite composition of a circle flanked
by two diamonds, with central rosette. Doorcase with pediment and moulded
The Griffin occupies a prominent location at the entrance to Kingston's
Market Square, and is recognisably a former coaching inn of early origins.
In 1851 it was taken over by John Williams, who established the assembly
room to the rear. |
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Other Photos |
Picture source: Hania
Franek |

Picture source: Hania
Franek |

Picture source: Ernest
Buck |