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Guildford > Coachmakers Arms
Coachmakers Arms
Picture source:
Philip Woods |
The Coachmakers Arms was situated at 41/42 North
Street. This pub was renamed The Friary Tap c1887 and closed c1912 to
become a shop. |
On Tuesday November 3rd 1863 there was
a feeling of rising tension among the residents of Guildford in Surrey. Some
were looking forward to the excitement of the bonfires and celebrations they
had become accustomed to on November 5th but many prominent citizens,
including the Mayor, were worried about the damage and destruction they
expected from the “Guildford Guys,” a group of increasingly defiant
Almost un-noticed, a young couple booked into a room above the Coachmakers’
Arms in North Street. The young man, Joseph Mahaig (Maharg), was tall, with
dark hair and hazel eyes and was a sergeant in the 3rd Buffs. His “wife” was
in fact an unmarried servant called Elizabeth Waterer. Elizabeth was
described as a fairly tall, good looking girl of about 28. Joseph Mahaig had
served in China during the Opium War and was shortly to embark to India.
At this time marriage was not a straightforward option for a young soldier
in the British army. As the army increased in professionalism, women found
themselves excluded. Although officers were encouraged to marry, other ranks
were positively discouraged. Only a proportion of one in twelve men were
granted permission by their commanding officer to marry and fewer still were
allowed to bring their wives to accompany them overseas. There the wives and
children shared the barracks with the other men using blankets hung over
rope lines for some privacy.
Joseph and Elizabeth stayed on the second floor of the Coachmakers’ Arms and
were stated to be, “remarkably quiet and civil.” They had breakfast and tea
on Wednesday, but had no food on Thursday November 5th, although Joseph told
Mrs Hedger, the Beerhouse Keeper’s wife that they were expecting Elizabeth’s
mother to join them. By Friday afternoon there was a sense of unease among
the other residents of the Coachmakers’ Arms since nothing had been seen or
heard of the couple for over 30 hours. When there was no response to knocks
on the door, a sergeant of the 37th regiment, who was billeted there,
suggested breaking it open but Mrs Hedger decided to send for the police
Superintendent Vickers arrived, accompanied by Sergeant Steads and P C Davis
who made up the full strength of the police force in Guildford at that time.
When they forced open the door, it appeared that the young couple were lying
dead on the bed. The woman looked as if she had been strangled and the man
had a large gash on his throat.
Mr F D Ross, a local surgeon, was quickly summoned, together with Dr.
Chapman of the 37th Foot. The gash on the soldier’s larynx was carefully
stitched and, “A small quantity of brandy was given to the man, upon which
he slightly rallied.” The two doctors believed that the young woman, whose
head was hidden under a pillow, had been dead for at least 2 days.
A post mortem examination was conducted by Mr Phillips MRCS and his
colleague Dr Sells. Their problem was that the head and neck were in an
advanced state of decomposition. The question was, had Elizabeth been
smothered or strangled or had she taken poison. Elizabeth had been witnessed
purchasing a threepenny packet of Butler’s Vermin powder, which contained
two grains of strychnine, from a local chemist on the day she died. No doubt
she had read of the young lady in Shoreham, who earlier that year had
poisoned herself with that powder when denied the right to marry her desired
suitor by her father.
At the Coroner’s inquest, Mr Phillips stated that a partial analysis of the
contents of her stomach suggested poison had been taken but that he was of
the opinion that the immediate cause of death was suffocation caused by
strangulation. Mr Sells added that there were marks around the neck and
under the skin suggesting strangulation. However the state of the heart was
not consistent with strangulation. He could not positively say that death
had been caused by poison.
In the room where the young couple were found were several relevant letters,
two written by Elizabeth and three by Joseph. In one of Mahaig’s letters he
stated that having left the room, he returned to find Elizabeth with a rope
around her neck. He took it off and then that they both took poison.
Because of the doubt over cause of death, the inquest was adjourned and at
the insistence of the Home Secretary, further analysis of the contents of
the stomach was made by Professor Taylor of Guy’s Hospital. Professor Taylor
concluded that there was clear proof that Elizabeth had died from poisoning.
Dr Phillips had feared that Joseph would not recover from his neck wound
since it was severely inflamed so he was taken, on November 6th to Guildford
Union Workhouse where he was kept under police guard, to prevent further
suicide attempts, until the inquest was resumed at the end of November.
While in the Workhouse he wrote a statement about the events which had
occurred at the Coachmaker’s Arms, since he was unable to speak. Although
the jury found that Elizabeth Waterer destroyed her own life, they found
Joseph Mahaig guilty of aiding and abetting her in this. He was therefore
bound over to appear at the next Surrey Assizes in Kingston-upon-Thames on
the charge of, “Wilful Murder.”
At the trial in December Joseph was found guilty but the jury strongly
recommended mercy. Despite this appeal the Judge passed sentence of death on
Mahaig who stood upright and heard his sentence without flinching. He was
taken to Horsemonger Lane Gaol where he was due to be executed on January
12th. A number of the residents of Guildford, many of them Quakers, appealed
to the Home Secretary that mercy should be applied. According to the Sussex
Advertiser of January 2nd 1864, “Several philanthropic ladies are desirous
of exercising their good offices by visiting the condemned cell, but their
entreaties had been refused.”
At the last moment, Mahaig’s sentence was Respited during her Majesty’s
pleasure and on January 24th it was commuted to penal servitude for life.
More than a year later Joseph was transported on board the convict ship
Racehorse to Western Australia. On 22nd of October 1865 he was drowned while
apparently attempting to abscond in Champion Bay and he was buried in Old
Geraldton Cemetery north of Perth, Western Australia. |
Elizabeth Lloyd (April 2017) |
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source: David Fisher |