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Home > Suffolk >
Stowmarket > The Rose
The Rose
Picture source:
Hania Franek |
The Rose was situated
at 6
Buttermarket. This grade-II listed pub
closed in 1957 and is now used as solicitors offices. |
building details: |
Formerly known as: Former Rose Inn
Buttermarket. Range of shops (Nos 2 & 4) and former public house (No.6, Rose
Inn, closed 1957), now offices. Early C17, altered mostly in
early/mid C19. Rose Inn said to have once carried date 1461, but nothing of
this antiquity detected during review.
2 distinct ranges. Timber-framed, plastered and colourwashed. Plain tile
roofs, mostly now machine tiles. Nos 2-4 has 2 storeys in 4 bays of framing.
Early C19 shopfront to ground floor comprising 2 doors and display windows
under cornice. Central entrance through 6-panelled doors. Other door
formerly to first-floor appartments now boarded over. To left is a sash with
8/8 glazing bars. 4 first-floor sashes with 6/6 or 8/8 glazing bars. Gabled
roof. Ridge of rear cross wing visible. No.6, former Rose Inn, has 2 storeys
in 3 bays. Mid C19 bar front wraps round north-west corner. 3
segmentally-headed lights to north window, 2 double-leaf doors, one in
canted north-west corner. C20 door to left of bar front. One 6/6 sash left
of this. Three 3/6 first-floor sashes. Gabled roof with central stack. Stack
with C17 quadrant-moulded panel now mostly rebuilt. Short wing attached to
rear with external south gable-end stack. Further early C19 brick extension
added south of this. Fenestration of sashes and one C20 casement.
Interior. Adapted for office use. Chamfered bridging beams. 6 comprises 2
timber-framed buildings butting laterally and knocked through into one.
South range with jowled early C17 studs, north range with mid C17 plain
studs, cambered tie beams and collars. Roofs of principals and collars,
hardboarded over. |
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Picture source: Darkstar |