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Home > Suffolk > Ipswich > Coach & Horses

Coach & Horses

Picture source: Derek

The Coach & Horses was situated at 41 Upper Brook Street. This pub closed in 1985. and is now used as a charity shop and a game cafe.
This pub was taken over by my 4x great grandfather John Osboldstone and his wife Mary on Saturday 14th April 1787. Originally a stagecoach driver from Dorset he moved to Colchester and then onto Ipswich when he was 27 years old. I found this advertisement for his opening day in the Ipswich Journal:
"Mr John Osboldstone takes the liberty of informing his friends and public in general that he has taken the above house together with the stock of old bottled wine and other liquor. He has fitted up many good beds and endeavoured to render every apartment as commodious and eligable as possible for the reception of those who will honour him with their commands which he hopes with strict attention and faculty will merit their attention. NB. Excellent stabling."
John Osboldstone (November 2012)

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Name Dates Comments
John Osboldstone    
Roy Croucher 1960s Used to go to the disco's and would love to hear from Maggie and Rob.
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Picture source: Geek Retreat