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Home > Staffordshire > Wolverhampton > WV8 > Cross Guns

Cross Guns

Date of photo: 2008

Picture source: Dennis Harper

The Cross Guns was situated on Wood Road. This pub has now been demolished.
Source: J P Newman

From The Wellington Journal, 1879
Charge against a publican - On Monday, at the Wolverhampton County Police Court, Phineas Bullock, landlord of the Cross Guns, Codsall Wood, was summoned for selling intoxicating liquors during prohibited hours on Sunday 4th May. The prosecution - similar to the one of last week, when the landlord of The Crown Inn, Codsall, was convicted for an offence under theis section of the Licensing Act - was brought by the police to test the legality of the people being supplied with drink who drive to Codsall from all parts of the Black Country on Sunday afternoons. Mr Dallow prosecuted, and Mr J Underhill, barrister, defended. After a lengthy hearing the Bench announced that the defendant seemed to have taken the ordinary precautions, so far as lay in his power, to ascertain whether the people were bona fide travellers or not. The charge would be dismissed.

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Date of photo: 2008

Picture source: Dennis Harper