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Home > Staffordshire > Walsall > Belle Vue

Belle Vue

Date of photo: 2013

Picture source: Richard Oldbury

The Belle Vue was situated on Moat Road.
I lived in Bassett street as a child My dad used this pub everyday 1965- 1975, he worked in the scrap yard down the road. He would sit me outside on the step with a bottle of orange fizzy pop and a straw,
My friend Angela Smart’s family ran this pub for a short time and I would play with her upstairs in the pub, her family were very nice but didn’t stay long and I lost contact with her. I remember this pub with great affection. Me and my brother would play on the moat, these were happy carefree days. I also remember archaeologists spending time on the moat and being shown some of the items found. I was fascinated. Memories of this place will stay with me forever.
Judith Smith (December 2014)

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