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Home > Staffordshire > Stafford > Eagle Inn

Eagle Inn

Picture source: Staffordshire Past Track

The Eagle Inn was situated at 15 Newport Road.
This pub closed on 7th March 1999, St. Patrick's night, when Audrey Feenan retired after 29 years. Audrey's husband Joe was a legendary landlord, described as 'having a tongue a silver as his hair'. Now converted into Bethany Project site for the homeless. There is some original paintwork advertising 'Accommodation and Stables' still visible on the side.
Guy Bradshaw (July 2011)
We moved into the Eagle in 1970 after having kept the Trumpet (as was) from 1966 to 1970. Joe was indeed the epitome of Mine Host, there was none better. But my Ma was the brains behind it and she gets little credit because Joe was such a huge character. Ma was The Glam. We were expected to wear evening dress every Friday and Saturday night, as were the lady customers. There was 'ice and a slice' in all appropriate drinks and we served wine .. unheard of in those days. Even after Joe died The Eagle was, proudly, a pub that a lone woman could walk into, receive a warm welcome and feel comfortable in. Christmas, St Pat's, Hallowe'en, St George's Day, Game Pie suppers, quiz nights, dogs, hot beef sandwiches, open fires, pool, light, singing, music, Christmas trees and decorations, and Dad peeing over the balcony every night with the blokes in the lounge... it was what The Eagle was about. And it breaks my heart to see what it's become. Joe would be turning in his grave ...
Greta Feenan (January 2013)

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