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Home > Somerset > Wellington > Squirrel Hotel

Squirrel Hotel


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Picture source: Hania Franek

The Squirrel Hotel was situated on Fore Street .The building dates from the 15th century and is grade-II listed. It is now used by the Town Council and houses the museum.
Source: B D Gill
Listed building details:
Has been an important inn at least since 1686, and is the only one now left of any antiquity. The Squirrel was the badge of the Bluetts of Holcombe Rogus Devon, the principal local family in the 17th century. The front range is the original structure, although much altered. Long 2 storeyed roughcast front. Slate roofs, swept at eaves. Brick parapet to right gable end. Red brick stacks. 3 windows
to higher left hand section. Three 3-light windows in centre. 3 widely spaced windows on right. All sashes with thin glazing bars. Assortment of bay windows and porches on ground floor with all openings blocked at time of survey (1975). Splayed bay under cornice to left end. Doorway has porch with segmental curved hood, keystone and octagonal columns. Ball motif to cornice. Second splayed bay in centre. Combined porch and bay window under cornice to right. Round-headed lunette over entrance flanked by pilasters. A third porch at right end with segmental curved hood, keystone and ball motif to cornice.

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Picture source: Hania Franek