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Home > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Fairview Inn

Fairview Inn

Picture source: Movement80

The Fairview Inn was situated at 16 Glebelands. Built in 1959 by Reading brewery H & G Simonds, it was included in Camra's National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors for its full-height wooden wall panelling. The pub closed in December 2013 after being sold by Enterprise Inns.

Review from tantallon.org.uk:
Sign: Magdalen Tower, Bridge and the Botanical Gardens as viewed from the Cherwell south of the bridge. Same pub sign as The Oxford Blue.

* Courage Best (4.0%) £1.80
* Courage Directors (4.8%) £1.90 (21.viii.1998)

Overlooking the Southfield Golf Course and eventually the town centre, this is built in a newish corner of the Wood Farm estate and has a  sizeable car park.
The lounge bar is dominated by a projection television screen, which was showing Central South news at the time. Dark red, plush otherwise, with a clay model of a man flashing on the windowsill. There's a wee extension with a pinball table in it.
Beer in good condition, but suffering from being either Courage Best or Courage Directors. (26.viii.1998)

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Picture source: MJ Crook