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Home > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Duke Of York

Duke Of York

Picture source: Lindsay Young

The Duke Of York was situated at 21 New Street. This pub was present by 1842 when the publican was Charles Howe. It closed in 2008 and had been demolished by 2014.
When I left school at 16 I went to work at Sainsburys in the Westgate centre in Oxford, "The Duke" was right behind the Westgate, a whole gaggle of us, maybe 15-20, all about the same age used to go there at lunch and after work, their ham rolls and a pint of bitter was 75p then.
We used to play darts and listen to the juke box until closing most friday and saturday nights, early Queen, Glitter Band, Bowie, Slade, T Rex, Thin Lizzys Whisky in the jar and the excellent B side 'Black boys in the corner'. So many stories from that fabulous pub, it was like the youth club I never had before.
Dizzy Gosnell (March 2023)

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Picture source: MJ Crook

Picture source: Isisbridge