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Henley > Old White Hart
Old White Hart

Picture source:
Russell Judge |
The Old White Hart was situated at 21
Hart Street. This grade-II listed pub is now used as a Zizzi restaurant. |
building details: |
GV II* Courtyard inn, now restaurant and
offices; C14-C16 with later alterations, refronted 1930s.
Materials: South range is timber-framed with 1930s brick front, roughcast
above ground-floor level with applied framing to gables. Courtyard ranges
are timber-framed with end, rear and ground-floor courtyard walls mainly of
thin red-brown bricks laid in English bond with diaper patterns in vitrified
headers. Jettied gallery structure to courtyard is timber-framed with
plaster infill or weatherboarding. All buildings have pitched roofs of plain
clay tile.
Plan: South range originally an open hall with cellar below, later ceiled
over to create first-floor accommodation and access to courtyard behind.
Courtyard ranges originally had stabling to ground floor with continuous
gallery above giving access to around 20 guest chambers; west range included
a second open hall (no. 19b). All buildings altered internally, and much of
west range rebuilt.
Exterior: South range is a two-storey, two-bay building with a 1930s
'Tudorbethan' façade comprising a bow-windowed brick lower storey and a
roughcast first floor with four bracketed cross-casement windows and two
projecting half-timbered gables above. Square carriage entrance to left,
with timber-framed brick walls and a ceiling of heavy chamfered beams and
plain joists.
East courtyard range has continuous jettied gallery 1m deep, supported on
exposed joists and beams with reinforcing posts towards the north end.
Projecting middle bay said to have been a garderobe, or possibly a former
stair landing. First floor is rendered and has five horizontally-sliding
sash windows; ground-floor windows mainly early-C20 leaded casements. Three
ridge stacks to roof. Rear (east) wall partly timber-framed. North range and
short return section of west range have a shallower jetty, with mortises
indicating former jetty brackets. Weather-boarded first floor to courtyard
with small casement windows. Central carriageway leading to former rear
yard, with large-scantling chamfered spine beam supporting plain joists. To
right, C16 Tudor-arched doorway with moulded jambs, sunken spandrels and C20
board door; adjoining steps lead down to cellar. Rear (north) elevation has
two rebuilt projecting stacks and a section of exposed timber framing on
first floor.
Middle part of west range replaced with a single-storey former stable
building of painted brick, now with a dormer and small bay window to
courtyard. South of this is the later hall building (no. 19b), of two bays,
with C19 multi-pane sash windows flanking central doorway to ground floor.
Jettied first floor has square framing with curved braces, plaster infill
panels and early-C20 small-paned casements. Exposed roof truss in north
gable. Blocked window openings in rear wall. Southern end of west range now
demolished, though part of original rear wall survives.
Interiors: Cellar below south range is constructed of chalk blocks with two
chamfered chalk ribs to barrel vault. On ground and first floors some
exposed timber-framing, spine-beams and rafters. At junction with rear
(east) wing on first floor a large-scantling wall-plate with mortises from
former brace. Dog-leg late-C18/early-C19 stair with stick balusters, moulded
columnar newel and moulded handrail. Parts of original double crown-post
roof survive in attic, including paired rafters, collars, collar purlin and
a single crown post and plate, all smoke-blackened with traces of ochre
East range has some remaining timber framing including large-scantling
beams, some chamfered, and joists; internally these are heavily corroded,
indicating former use of ground floor as stables. Of particular interest is
the square-framed former inner wall to the first-floor gallery, which has
doorways to chambers and some remaining wattle and daub infill panels. Roof
has clasped purlins, arched wind braces, queen-post trusses and old rafters,
with later ridge-piece supported by posts set on collars. Cellar under north
range is flint-walled with some chalk blocks and brick. Roof over north
range largely under-boarded, but at east end original roof construction is
visible, similar to that over east range but of better quality.
In west range, former open hall retains much timber framing including close
studding to first-floor gallery wall (infill removed) and good-quality
queen-post central roof truss; the latter has clasped purlins, arched wind
braces, coupled rafters and slightly cambered tie-beams with hollow chamfer
mouldings supported on long arch braces and wall posts with similar
mouldings, the latter terminating in pendants carved with three balls. On
ground floor, brick Tudor arch and relieving arch to former fireplace.
History: The earliest part of the present buildings is the cellar under the
south range, which dates from around 1300; the building above, originally an
open-hall structure occupying a burgage plot facing the town's high street,
dates from the same period or slightly later, and is probably the inn or
tenement known as 'le Harte' referred to in a Court Roll of 1428-9. The inn
was extended to the rear after 1531 (a date established by
dendrochronology), with three ranges of buildings surrounding a courtyard
and occupying the back-lands of the two burgage plots immediately to the
west. These buildings contained around 20 guest chambers accessed from a
jettied gallery with stabling below and a second open hall in the western
range, the latter perhaps replacing the original hall which was floored over
to create upper-level accommodation and a carriage entrance. More buildings,
now demolished, once enclosed a second courtyard to the rear. In the C18 and
early C19 the White Hart was Henley's principal coaching inn; part of the
west range was demolished and rebuilt as stabling during this period. The
Old White Hart, as it became known, remained in use as a public house into
the C20 - the street front was remodelled by the Henley architect A E Hobbs
for Brakspear's brewery in the 1930s - before eventually closing in 2008. |
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Date of photo: 2015 |
Picture source: Simon A |