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Home > Nottinghamshire >
Worksop > French Horn
French Horn
Picture source: Will Larter |
The French Horn was situated on Potter Street.
This grade-II listed pub closed in 2009.
The present building replaced an earlier public house of the same name,
which in 1906 was said to have been a public house for 130 years, and
possibly a malthouse before that date. It stood gable end to the road, with
a saddlers shop to the west. The site of both buildings were used for the
new building, giving the 1906 French Horn a long display frontage to Potter
Street. |
Source: Mark Poppitt |
building details: |
Public House. 1906 with late C20
internal alterations. Built for the Sheffield brewers Hooson Bros. by
Frederick Hopkinson.
MATERIALS: red brick with terracotta and faience dressings, banding and
decoration, tall brick chimneys with moulded cappings, and a tile roof
covering with crested ridges and elaborate finials to gablets.
PLAN: L-shaped plan, the principal elevation to Potter Street, returned at
the east end, and extending northwards in plainer form as a service range.
EXTERIOR: the principal (south) elevation is of five bays and three storeys,
the east end bay angled as the building returns northwards at the east end
for a further three bays at three storeys. It then continues at a lower two
storey height for a further three bays. The ground floor is formed of an
elaborate and highly decorative display frontage faced in dark and light
green faience manufactured by Bermantofts (Messrs Wilcox and Co,) of Leeds.
It is set upon a low brown-tiled plinth, and comprises a series of wide,
shallow arch-headed windows rising from a base of rectangular panels. The
three- and four- light windows are separated by panelled pilasters with
elaborately-decorated capitals which terminate at a moulded cornice at the
head of a fascia of light coloured faience. The upper lights are glazed with
decorative stained glass panels. The front elevation is asymmetrical, with
two window bays to the west of a narrow entrance bay, and a further window
bay and a narrower angled corner bay. The entrance bay is flanked by
pilasters, and has a keyed oval overlight above the door opening, surmounted
by a massive scrolled pediment. The fascia extend through the bay below the
pediment, and carries lettering which reads 'HOTEL' The flanking sections of
fascia lettering complete the building's name, but sequentially they read
'FRENCH/ HOTEL/HORN'. The faience-clad return bays include a secondary
entrance detailed in matching style to the main entrance.
The first floor has terracotta horizontal banding extending through the
pilasters and enclosed brick panels, with a series of two-light cross
windows incorporating-arch headed upper lights with decorative stained
glass. The angled bay has a canted oriel window above which is a decorative
cartouche set within a set-back gablet .The upper floor is comprised of a
series of gablets with decorative bargeboards, set above paired 2 over
2-light sash windows separated by moulded terracotta mullions. Each entrance
bay is distinguished by a decorative terracotta cartouche, with swags and
shell finials to the head of flanking pilasters. The inscription above the
main entrance reads ' REBUILT A.D. 1906, that above the secondary entrance
reads '1906' The remaining bays of the return range are plainly detailed,
but the most northerly bays have wide arch-headed window openings.
iNTERIOR: not inspected, but external views confirm that the interior had
been remodelled to create a mainly open-plan interior, in which few original
fixtures and fittings appear to have been retained. The bar counter, back
bar and other interior elements appear to be contemporary with the
The French Horn Public House in Worksop, Nottinghamshire is listed for Group
Value for the following principal reasons:
* The building has a well-preserved exterior which exemplifies the high
quality of the best public house designs of the early C20.
* The faience decoration of the public house display frontage is of high
quality, and incorporates both complex mouldings and integral lettering
within an ornamented fascia.
* The building exterior is little altered and retains almost all of the
original architectural detailing, joinery, decorative glass and other items
of external ornament which are such significant constituent elements of the
original design.
* The building is prominently sited within the centre of Worksop, and has a
strong visual relationship with other listed buildings on both sides of
Potter Street, including the former Corn Exchange, now the Town Hall.
* The building replaced an earlier public house on the same site and thus
re-inforces the historic nature of the locality and the character and
appearance of the Conservation Area within which it is sited. |
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