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Home > Nottinghamshire > Nottingham > NG5 > The Fiveways

The Fiveways


Picture source: Kevin Tompson


The Fiveways was situated on Edwards Lane. This grade-II listed pub closed c2014 and is now used as a community centre.
Listed building details:
Public house with attached garden terrace and wall. 1936-7 by A E Eberlin of Nottingham for Warwick & Richardson, brewers of Newark, with function room added post-1945. Ashlar limestone to ground floor with consciously roughly-cut h If -timbering to first floor with whitened, rendered infill, and elaborate small-scale box framing and carved barge boards to display gables. Swithland slate roof coverings to hipped and gabled roofs with lead rolls to ridges and hips. Ridge stack with 4 clustered ashlar chimneys; secondary stack with two clustered chimneys at foot of hip of main roof. PLAN: l-shaped plan with angled display gable at the junction of the 2, 2-storeyed ranges which have single storeyed sections at their ends. Angle of original ranges filled in by post-War function room. Neo- Tudor style. EXTERIOR FRONT (west) ELEVATION: Symmetrical front to main 2-storeyed range with set-back single- storey bay to left end. Smoke room doorway with moulded surround to left of 2 storeyed range. To right, a canted bay window of 1:3:1 transomed Lights, and the entrance to the former off-sales area, now with late C20 joinery. Further right, a 3-Light, transomed window, and then the angled corner with wide former doorway with late C20 infill, flanked by narrow single Light windows. Above the canted ground floor bay, a rectangular projection with 3-Light transomed window below a gable with foliage frieze at base and pierced barge boards with foliage detail. The gable is infilled with small panels decorated with concave-sided lozenges. This projecting bay is flanked by single and 2-Light transomed windows. The angled corner rises to a gable with similar detailing to that of the west elevation. Below the gable a carved and decorated tie beam bearing the brewers' emblem 'W & R'. SIDE (south) ELEVATION: Ground floor with wide doorway to lounge bar, flanked by 3-Light transomed windows. Further right, tall canted bay window with 1:3:1 transomed Lights. The lounge, under its own pitched roof is single-storey, and has a tall mullioned and transomed-Light window on its gable wall. 2 half-timbered gables at rear. later extension with timber windows and plain parapet. The doorways incorporate contemporary glass bearing the names 'Smoke Room' and 'Lounge'. INTERIOR: Smoke room to west range with high, rectangular panelling bearing Jacobean detail to frieze. Hatch to servery glazed at top. Neo- Tudor fireplace with Jacobean detailing to overmantel. Fixed seating. Corridor panelled throughout and in the angle enclosing the servery two hatches with grazed tops and sashes. In rear corridor a dumb waiter to cellar and a mirror set above the panelling. In the centre of this corridor an expanded space (with skylight over) and passage to the former garden entrance. Lounge with plastered segmental ceiling; 2 plaster bands with vine trails and grapes marking out the 3-bay division; in each bay a plaster band decorated with foliage. Public bar with some contemporary fixed seating. Contemporary bar back throughout servery with shelving and plain mirrors. The later function room has 4 reused C19 cast-iron columns with foliage and animal head detail in the capitals. Doors to the toilets and cellar retain their original lettering. A well-composed building and carefully detailed 1930's public house, prominently sited at an important road junction and intended as a flagship for the brewers who built it. The substantially complete survival of the plan and fittings in 'improved' inter-War public houses is an increasingly rare occurrence.

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