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Home > Nottinghamshire > Nottingham > NG2 > General Gordon

General Gordon

Date of photo: 1995

Picture source: Eddie Dexter


The General Gordon was situated on London Road. This pub closed in 1995, having been known as The Old Tracks since 1992.
Source: Stephen Heasell

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Name Dates Comments
Anna Grandfield 1972-1977 My mum and dad were the landord of this pub , I was brought up here , we are Irish, and it had a mixture of locals and Irish from the Meadows. Many a fond memory it was a lovely building.
Mark O'Leary 1977-1980 My parents ran this pub for a while before they moved on to run the Central Tavern near the Palais. My dad was Irish and we used to get a few Meadows Irish drinking there. Also lots of Notts County fans on match days. Can't believe it's just gone.