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Home > Nottinghamshire > Mansfield > Queens Head

Queens Head

Picture source: Don Wilson


The Queens Head was situated on Queen Street. This pub was owned by Mansfield Brewery since 1887. Rebuilt in 1959 it had 'Odeonesque' decor in the lounge. Demolished in 2009.
Source: Steve Peck
Edward & Frances Faull was innkeeper of the Queens Head, Mansfield
Frances died aged 42yrs at the Queens Head, Mansfield Aug 1797.
6 Sep 1797 Derby newspaper - On Monday fortnight, much regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintance, Mrs F Faull, wife of Mr Edward Faull, innkeeper at the Queens Head, Mansfield.
Edward died March 1799, aged 48yrs, Inn keeper of the Queens Head Mansfield,
28 Mar 1797 – Derby newspaper –
 "Mansfield to be sold by Auction – On the premises, (if not previously disposed of by private contract of which timely notice will be given) on Thursday the 25th day of April next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as shall then be produced:
All that well known and good accustomed INN known by the name or sign of the Queens Head, in Mansfield aforesaid, with suitable and convenient Stables, Outbuildings, and Appurtenances thereto belonging, late in the tenure or occupation of Mr Edward Faull deceased.
The purchaser to take the stock of Liquors and Wines in the cellars; together with the household furniture, fixtures &c, at a fair valuation.
For the convenience of the purchaser, one half of the purchase money may remain on security of the premises; and the purchaser may also be accommodated with about sixty or seventy acres of good land.
Further particulars may be known by applying to Mr John Adlington of Mansfield aforesaid, Mr Joseph Bingham of Cosall near Nottingham or to Mr James Smith Far-Gate, Sheffield.
All person who stood indebted to the said late Edward Faull at the time of his decease, are desired to pay their respective debts to the aforesaid John Adlington, Joseph Bingham or James Smith; and all person having any claim or demand on the estate and effects of the said late Edward Faull are requested to send an account thereof to the said John Adlington, Joseph Bingham or James Smith, in order to their being discharged.
Mansfield, 31st March 1799. "
Jacqy Faull (June 2013)

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