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Home > Northamptonshire > Whilton > Spotted Cow

Spotted Cow

Date of photo: 2015

© Steve Turner

The Spotted Cow was situated on Spotted Cow Lane.  Probably dating from the late 18th century it was a public house called The Spotted Cow. About 4.5 acres, sale particulars of 1891 describe it as; 'the house contains taproom, bar, two sitting-rooms, pantry, kitchen with room over scullery, top and underground cellars, and four bedrooms. The outbuildings comprise stabling for ten horses, granary, hen and coal houses and piggeries, large yard with pump and well of good water, and extensive garden'. In 2014 the property was marketed with a guide price of £400,000 in need of extensive renovation. The bracket that held the pub sign is still fixed to the wall. Putting the 18th century date in question, I can't see an entry for the pub in an 1841 directory. Despite the 1891 potential sale, from 1854 to 1914 according to directories it is in the hands of a member of an Elliott family throughout.
Source: Steve Turner

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