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Home > Northamptonshire > Desborough > Kings Arms

Kings Arms

Picture source: Hania Franek

The Kings Arms was situated at 111 High Street. Formerly called The Oak Tree Inn, this pub was placed on the market in 2016 and was later converted to a Costa coffee shop.  The building is grade-II listed dating from c1700.
Listed building details:
Public house. c1700 with mid C19 additions and C20 alterations. Coursed rubblestone with later blue brick plinth and stone coped slate roof with brick end and various rear stacks. Rear wings of brick. Central-staircase plan originally. 2 storeys, cellar and attic. 3-window range at first floor of 6/6 sashes to left and centre, and sash-type window to right. Ground floor has 6/6 sash to left, central panelled door, 6/6 sash to centre right and a canted bay beyond with 4/4 and 8/8 sashes. Moulded stucco cornice with 3 gabled dormers above which have small-pane windows. Left end blank but paired sash on single-storey rear wing. Right end has 6/6 sash on ground floor to right and small casement on side of rear 2-storey wing. The single-storey rear wing is attached to a long 2-storey range with a rubble stone back and brick sides and front.
Slate roof. Various doors, garage doors and windows below with 6 windows above and perhaps a former loft door, now boarded.
Interior. Front range ground floor opened up but chamfered bridging beams survive (boxed to right). On first floor room divisions remain and there are chamfered bridging beams with ogee stops. One 2-panel door with HL hinges visible and others may survive at present covered with hardboard. Winder stair leads to attic and has simple balustrade at top. Here there are old wide floorboards and the massive principals of the roof with collars visible above door height. Roof of long rear range has bolted trusses.
The front range is a comparatively little-altered example of a house of the period.

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Picture source: Hania Franek