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Home > Norfolk > Great Yarmouth > Lord Roberts

Lord Roberts

Date of photo: 2014

Picture source: Michael Croxford

The Lord Roberts was situated at 5 Caister Road. This pub closed in 2007 and has now been converted to a private house.
A Lacons pub opened in 1900. Part of the Yarmouth expansion north. Always had a busy bowling green at the back.
The left edge abutted the Yarmouth Beach to London Railway (M&GN) line that was raised above house height to get over Northgate Street/Caister Road and then over the Bure and Yare rivers. This was closed by Beeching in the 1960's. The north abutments were pulled down in the '70's. The south abutments still exist across on the other side of the road (south east) next to the old hospital wall.
My Dad, (Fred Smith) used it a lot in the 1990's. Reasonable staggering distance from Collingwood Road. Enough of a walk to be a walk but not too much for a 70 year old.. They will have sold Real Ale or he would not have bothered. Only went once with him. A quiet, wooden panelled pub. Wood floors, bar and tables. Fairly dark. The sort of pub that you don't see now. No bling, no razzle, no music, no noise. Just a corner pub. Talk to people. Closed May 2007.
Patrick Smith (February 2025)

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