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Home > Middlesex >
Enfield > The Turkey
The Turkey

Date of photo: 2013 |
Picture source: Fergy
Campbell |
The Turkey was situated at 13 Turkey Street.
This pub closed in 2002 and has now been converted into apartments. |
Source: Andrew Stone |
My photo below only shows the eastern
part of the pub, what was once the public bar and the gents' toilets. The
low building beyond the gate was the landlord's garage. The cars are on the
pub car park. Elsinge Road runs along the right edge of the photo, just out
of view.
I took the photo from our front garden, and now deeply regret that I didn't
take other photos. We lived in the white Georgian house opposite, number 138
Turkey Street. My parents moved there in 1951, I was actually born in that
house in 1953, and my parents stayed there until 2004, by which time they
couldn't manage on their own any more so went to live near my sister in
Suffolk and have since passed away. I remember how shocked horrified they
were when the pub was pulled down suddenly in 2002 (possibly illegally and
certainly immorally) without any notice to local residents, to make way for
The reason I took this photo was because of the cars gathering outside The
Plough on the morning of Saturday April 22nd 1967, all decorated with
slogans, on their way to Wembley where Enfield F.C. was playing in the
Amateur Cup Final against Skelmersdale. They drew 0 -0, but beat
Skelmersdale 3 - 0 in the replay at Manchester City's Main Road a week
I remember the interior of the pub, but I didn't go in it much, as by the
time I was old enough to drink I'd moved away for education, work then
marriage, although I frequently went to see my parents in Turkey Street.
They weren't really drinkers, but had got quite friendly with the landlord
of the early 60s, Bernard Mulvany. We didn't have a phone at the time, and
he kindly allowed us to give the number of The Plough to family members in
case emergency contact was ever needed. I can recall Mr Mulvany coming
across to give us the sad news that my grandmother had died in 1963, and
then when my uncle had died suddenly in 1966. I believe Mr Mulvany moved on
to manage The Green Dragon in Winchmore Hill.
I remember one vehicle, whose hand brake must not have been engaged
properly, rolling across Turkey Street (it wasn't so busy then) from the
Plough pub car park and smashing into our fence. My Dad then reinforced the
brickwork by our front gate. |
Valerie Monaghan (August 2020) |
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You can also make email contact with other ex-customers and landlords of this pub by adding your details to this page. |
Other Photos |
Date of photo: 2013 |
Picture source:
Valerie Monaghan |
Date of photo: 2016 |
Picture source: Alan
Urie |