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Home > London > WC2 > Green Man & French Horn

Green Man & French Horn

Picture source: Darkstar

The Green Man & French Horn was situated at 54 St Martins Lane. This pub closed in the late 2000s.
Work has continued off and on until recently, with planning consent for residential apartments above, and alterations to the frontage to provide a separate door .... and most of that work appears to have been concluded recently. The ground floor remained as a drinking establishment, but so far it's not possible to say what is being done inside.
 As of late October 2010, when we were concluding the listing work for the CAMRA guide to WC1 and WC2:
134 Green Man and French Horn 54 St Martins Lane WC2N 4EA Remains closed, construction work apparently continuing - info from barman at Essex Serpent; leased by Faucett Inns: owners are refurbishing and constructing flats above and sep flat entrance; plan is Faucett Inn will re-open pub.
 From an earlier briefing for Covent Garden Community Association (on the planning application around Feb/March 2010 for ther alterations to the ground floor frontage)  and CAMRA West London:
 This is a major change to the frontage of the pub, to provide a separate front door to the flats created above the pub under a separate planning 
consent. The building is just outside the Covent Garden Conservation area. 
CGCA was opposed to the changes in character to the frontage, particularly the loss of some of the lead lighted panes, and the insertion of 2 new timber panel doors. The application provides for a new pub entrance door, similar to the existing windows and door, a rounded central bay window, though with still a timber panel door for the entrance to the flats, and prominent brass grills. CGCA is still 
not keen, and will urge that at the very least some symmetry is kept with both doors and window reflecting the existing style and feel of leaded windows. 
The existing pub frontage and the pub is quite attractive, dating from 1916 according to the West London Pub Guide I see. The interior has I think been largely re-modelled since I recall it in the 1970s. It was (and probably still) a managed house in the ownership of Punch Taverns / PubCo - formerly Spirit Group (it is listed as Outlet Number C6761 Greenman & French Horn London WC2N 4EA in Spirit Groups bond (debt offer) circular from a few years ago). 
Dominic Pinto (June 2011)
This pub has now reopened as a wine bar of the same name.
Dominic Pinto (December 2012)

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Name Dates Comments
Dominic Pinto 1970-2010  
Jill Riley 1979-1980 I lived and worked there as a barmaid while on a working holiday from Australia.
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Picture source: T C