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Home > London > SW3 > The Beehive

The Beehive

Picture source: Chris Amies


The Beehive was situated at 60 Chelsea Manor Street. In 2004 it was demolished to make way for housing.
I’m an American who worked at the Beehive in the summer of 1991.  A few Aussies also worked there then.  Have a few good stories, esp called Septic Tank Yank. 
Dean Tilman (May 2011)

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Name Dates Comments
Kenneth Ward 1963/1968 Customer. Other customers included Lord Longford, artist Jamie Proudfoot, singer Roger Whittaker. The Landlord was a true Cockney -Arther or Arfer who was a very kind and generous man. Lord Longford could be seen regularly walking up to Kings Road in the mornings wearing his pyjamas, dressing gown and bedroom slippers together with his sponge-bag and towel for his daily trip to the Public baths.