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SW10 > Gunter Arms
Gunter Arms

Picture source: Chris Amies |
The Gunter Arms was situated at 451 Fulham Road.
It was later known as The Bridge closing in 2004. It is now used as a
restaurant. |
I was a barman/cellarman at the Gunter
Arms in the early 90's when in my early twenties at around the time the
attached image was taken. The landlord at the time was a wonderful character
named Bill, an ex-merchant navy man who, with his white mustache-less beard,
looked every part the ex-sailor. His wife, Gwendoline, was the landlady and
cook and they had a young daughter of school age named Natalie who also
lived on the premises. In addition to having a loyal band of locals, we
served a broad range of customers, from the international students from the
then neighbouring King's College,to off-duty drag queens from the nearby
Redcliffe Pub.
We also had thriving pool and darts teams and would often travel to other
London pubs to compete or have them visit us, as part of a league.The pub's
centrepiece was an imposing horseshoe bar from which we served a standard
range or Taylor Walker-stocked drinks, including Castlemaine 4X, Lowenbrau
and Burton's Ale and of course Guinness. A Victorian manager's office stood
at the back of the bar, complete with original etched glass. The dart board
was to the left of the bar and was usually in play by our local regulars,
such as Michael, a towering Chinese gentleman who could throw a mean set of
'arrows. The upstairs, with its two pool tables, were accessed via an
imposing sweeping staircase to the rear of the pub and which can be seen by
zooming in through the open door in the attached image.
The first customer in each weekday was an impeccably turned out and somewhat
camp elderly gentleman named Tim, who would arrive immediately on opening
time each day, and occasionally before, for his one pint of Guinness.which
would be followed by a half, during the consumption of which he would smoke
a quantity of Silk Cut cigarettes. Although he would often comment on how
good the Guiness was that we served (it was all about keeping the lines
clean and pulling enough pints through) on leaving he would regularly press
a monetary tip into the hands of any female bar staff on duty, saying "this
is for you, dear" but would never tip me or any male colleagues,
irrespective of the fact that we would be the ones who would pour and carry
his drinks over to him where he sat.
Match days when Chelsea were playing at home were always frantic and
colourful, with trouble kept from our doors by a loyal firm of regular
Chelsea supporters who, along with Bill, would police admission whilst we
worked flat out keeping the pints flowing in the direction of the hundreds
of Chelsea supporters who would cram into the pub pre or post to the game.
The baseball bats that Bill would preposition under the bar top in case of
'an emergency', were never called upon, although seeing running pitch
battles unfold outside on the Fulham Road between Chelsea fans and whichever
rivals they were playing that particular week was far from an uncommon
sight. There was a quiz each Sunday which Bill would host and compère and
which would pack-out the pub with locals prior to us having to call time to
much groaning and protestation and close between the hours of 15.00 and
19:00 in line with the then Sunday licencing laws
I remember being once locked out after losing my keys and had to get myself
in at four o'clock in the morning by scaling the exterior wall and getting
in through a ajar first floor window so as not to wake up and incur the
wrath of Bill and Gwen for doing so. Unfortunately, the two plain clothes
police officers who must have witnessed me doing so and assumed I was
attempting a burglary had other ideas and took some convincing from me and
indeed from a somewhat bleary eyed and tetchy Bill that I posed no threat to
anyone but myself.
It was a vibrant pub and a real community hub which catered to all kinds and
creeds from young to old, postmen to politicos he's,she's and inbetweens and
everyone accepted the other and got on. It is a terrible shame that it was
lost and speaks volumes on the greed of breweries and pub co's in affluent
town centres where profits from real estate sales are put way before the
interests of local people and their fragile and often undervalued local
heritage. |
Ritchie B-P (November
2020) |
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You can also make email contact with other ex-customers and landlords of this pub by adding your details to this page. |
Name |
Dates |
Comments |
Patrick |
1978-1985 |
I worked in this pub when it was
owned by the wonderful Paddy Whitty and his family. I still say they
were some of the best years of my life...every customer was a character
with a story to tell or to be talked about. I knew everyone by name
including little Eilse who never ever gave me the full price of her
bottle of Guinness! We also had customers like Rory Gallagher and Johnny
Rotten mixing with the local road sweeper or Qcs! Great Times! |
Natalie Stone |
1993 |
I saw a barman post on 'The Gunters
Arms' I am the landlord daughter he mentioned in it. I have many photos
from the fun nights spent in the bar from my parents and recall alot of
the staff members there at the time. I would be happy for any person
associated with the pub back in the day to contact me. |
Other Photos |
Picture source: Chris Amies |